Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Farrah Abraham Kicked OUT of Rehab

Farrah kicked out for bad behavior. Publicity stunt? See her before/during/after tweets here.

       This is rich. Sorry, Farrah, but I'm having an incredibly difficult time believing you weren't just doing this for publicity. Radar reported that "she will still graduate from the program, but in less time than it typically takes because her behavior became challenging." Okay...am I the only one seeing a red flag with this? YOUR behavior is SO horrible, that we will let you graduate FROM OUR ALCOHOL REHAB PROGRAM early if you just LEAVE us alone. Sorry, but that says more about her personality than her whole 16&Pregnant episode.

      Well..what do they mean by bad behavior? Apparently she was very argumentative (Surprise, surprise) and bullied other patients and counselors. (Shocker)  She was initially asked to leave after these incidents, but was given a second chance, "because they wanted her to get the treatment that she needs." Farrah probably knew she didn't have much time left before she really got kicked out, so she invited the paparazzi in to photograph her for some quick fame. That was the final straw and led to her officially being kicked out yesterday. Read more.

Well apparently she didn't think they'd rat on her bad behavior. Here's what she's had to say on Twitter throughout the process:

    Remember before she went in? Here is how she was 'taking responsibility' for her actions. The full explanation can be seen here. (Click to View)

"So I know myself and I had not drank to the extent to be negligent (if you do not know what this word means regarding drinking to much please look it up) as well I am certified to sale alcohol and bartend so I am very cautious and responsible regarding just a night out with drinking and not to mention my daughter’s father died because of drinking and drugs in a car accident and being with the wrong people"
(So because your ex boyfriend died in an alcohol/drug related car accident, YOU should be allowed to drive around a corner under the influence... please tell me you don't honestly believe this. One sip of alcohol and you should be overly cautious based on what you experienced.)

On not knowing how to take a breathalyzer test
"this cop tells me I’m purposely refusing to take this breathalyzer test correctly (another way to continue to piss someone off) so I quit talking to this cop because he clearly has no idea what the fuck he’s doing and now probably can’t wait to release a asswhole cop report to the media" 
1. lol asswhole 2. use your words, don't be a child and just stop talking. if you needed an explanation, should have asked instead of pouting.

"when the alcohol content is shown, which I did not see personally it was .145 that is a 
number of legal intoxication, no doubt but like I mentioned I know how to handle myself and I was concerned about safety"  
 (sorry Farrah, the legal limit is for everyone, not based off how you handle yourself at that point.) 

 “your not the first 21 year old to have your 1st DWI or DUI, handle your self with respect 
even when the cop disrespects you, make sure to seek a lawyer, and have your boundaries set to your family and friends, and stay on track to your aspirations and even though your family isn’t there to help, the media reports have outlandish claims, your car gets toed, your stuck with out your keys, you now have to pay fines, and the world in general feels against you." 
Well this was supposed to be inspirational for people going through the same thing..yet turns into a self-pity fest.

So yes. I do believe this was a publicity stunt. When has Farrah ever admitted to being wrong? On Dr. Phil? No. On Twitter? No. She ends up going to the SAME rehab the SAME time has Tan Mom and tries to take her picture? Gets kicked out, convinces them to let her stay, she brings in paparazzi. COME ON.......
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